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Library items with class number QW 80 (4)
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Pathogenic mycobacteria in water: a guide to public health consequences monitoring and management / Pedley, S
Title : Pathogenic mycobacteria in water: a guide to public health consequences monitoring and management Material Type: printed text Authors: Pedley, S Publisher: Geneva : WHO Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: xxii, 237p., includes index ISBN (or other code): 978-92-4-156259-1 Price: 0.00 Class number: QW 80 Pathogenic mycobacteria in water: a guide to public health consequences monitoring and management [printed text] / Pedley, S . - Geneva : WHO, 2004 . - xxii, 237p., includes index.
ISBN : 978-92-4-156259-1 : 0.00
Class number: QW 80 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy Safe piped water: managing microbial water quality in piped distribution systems / Ainsworth, Richard
Title : Safe piped water: managing microbial water quality in piped distribution systems Material Type: printed text Authors: Ainsworth, Richard Publisher: Geneva : WHO Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: xx, 147p ISBN (or other code): 978-92-4-156251-5 Price: 0.00 Class number: QW 80 Safe piped water: managing microbial water quality in piped distribution systems [printed text] / Ainsworth, Richard . - Geneva : WHO, 2004 . - xx, 147p.
ISBN : 978-92-4-156251-5 : 0.00
Class number: QW 80 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy Water treatment and pathogen control: process efficiency in achieving safe drinking water / LeChevallier, Mark W
Title : Water treatment and pathogen control: process efficiency in achieving safe drinking water Material Type: printed text Authors: LeChevallier, Mark W Publisher: Geneva : WHO Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: xix, 124p., includes index ISBN (or other code): 978-92-4-156255-3 Price: 0.00 Class number: QW 80 Water treatment and pathogen control: process efficiency in achieving safe drinking water [printed text] / LeChevallier, Mark W . - Geneva : WHO, 2004 . - xix, 124p., includes index.
ISBN : 978-92-4-156255-3 : 0.00
Class number: QW 80 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy Waterborne zoonoses: identification, causes and control / Cotruvo, J.A
Title : Waterborne zoonoses: identification, causes and control Material Type: printed text Authors: Cotruvo, J.A Publisher: Geneva : WHO Publication Date: 2004 Pagination: xvii, 506p., includes index ISBN (or other code): 978-92-4-156273-7 Price: 0.00 Class number: QW 80 Waterborne zoonoses: identification, causes and control [printed text] / Cotruvo, J.A . - Geneva : WHO, 2004 . - xvii, 506p., includes index.
ISBN : 978-92-4-156273-7 : 0.00
Class number: QW 80 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy